Step-by-Step Guide: How to Grant Delegate Access in GoDaddy

How-to-Grant-Delegate-Access in-GoDaddy

Navigating GoDaddy’s Delegate Access is a handy skill for any website owner. It’s a straightforward process that allows you to grant controlled access to your GoDaddy account, perfect for when you need someone to adjust your domain’s DNS settings or handle other specific tasks. This feature is a safe way to let others help you manage your website without handing over your personal login information.
This article is tailored for those with their domain registered with GoDaddy and looking to provide access to another individual or company efficiently and securely.

What is Delegate Access?

Delegate Access allows you to grant limited permissions to another user to manage your GoDaddy products. It’s like giving someone a key to a specific room in your house rather than the master key to the entire property. Depending on your needs, you can assign roles ranging from essential domain management to full-scale website editing.

What Are the Benefits of Using Delegate Access

The primary advantage of using Delegate Access is enhanced security. You no longer need to share your primary GoDaddy account credentials. It also streamlines collaboration, as you can assign tasks to team members or external agencies without compromising your account’s integrity. This feature is handy for businesses that require frequent updates or technical changes to their website but want to keep their primary account credentials private.

Preparing to Grant Access

Before granting delegate access to GoDaddy, preparing your account is essential. This preparation ensures a smooth process and maintains the security of your account.

Verifying Account Security

Start by updating your password if it’s been a while since the last change. Ensure that it’s strong and unique. Also, review and update your account recovery information. If something goes wrong and you lose access, you want to be sure you can recover it quickly.

Identifying Delegate Roles and Permissions

Determine the roles and permissions you want to assign to your user. GoDaddy offers different access levels, and understanding each is key to giving the correct permissions. Decide if your user needs basic access, like domain management, or more comprehensive permissions, like editing website content. A clear definition of roles helps avoid the over-assignment of permissions and keeps your account secure while enabling delegates to perform their tasks effectively.

How to Grant Delegate Access

Now that we have set up our account for success, it’s time to give our user access.

Accessing the Delegate Access Feature in GoDaddy

1. Log into your GoDaddy account.

godaddy log in
2.Find the ‘Delegate Access’ section, usually under ‘Account Settings’.
Find the Delegate Access 1
Find the Delegate Access 2

Adding a New Delegate

1. In the Delegate Access area, click ‘Invite to Access’.
Delegate Access Invite
2. Enter the email of the person you’re inviting. This should be the email linked to their GoDaddy account.
Delegate Access Invite 2
3. Select the access level to grant, from ‘Products & Domains’ for basic tasks to ‘Products, Domains, & Purchase’ for broader permissions.
Delegate Access Invite 3
4. Hit ‘Invite.’ An email will be sent to them to accept the access.
Delegate Access Invite 4

Managing Existing Delegates

1. Go back to the Delegate Access section to see your current delegates.
Managing Existing Delegates

2. Here, you can adjust their access levels or revoke access as needed.

Once you send the invite, the recipient needs to accept it through their email. After acceptance, they can access your account under their ‘Account Settings’> ‘Delegate Access’. It’s a simple yet effective way to manage your GoDaddy account with the help of others without compromising your login details.

Best Practices for Using Delegate Access

Managing Delegate Access in GoDaddy is crucial for maintaining security and operational efficiency. Here are some key practices to follow:

Regularly Review User Permissions

It’s important to check the permissions you’ve granted to your users periodically. As your business evolves, so might the roles of those you’ve given access to. Regular reviews ensure that each user has only the necessary access, minimizing potential security risks.

Maintain Clear Communication with Users

Ensure that each user clearly understands their role and the limits of their access. This understanding helps prevent any misuse of access and ensures that users only carry out tasks within their assigned permissions.

Keep Detailed Notes for Each User

GoDaddy allows you to add notes for each user you grant access to. Utilize this feature to note down the specific reasons for granting access and any particular instructions or restrictions. This approach is beneficial for keeping track of the roles and responsibilities of multiple users.

These practices will help you effectively manage your GoDaddy account, leveraging Delegate Access for enhanced collaboration without compromising security.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Even with a straightforward process like setting up Delegate Access in GoDaddy, you might encounter some common issues. Here are the best ways to troubleshoot them:

Issue: No Email Received

If your user hasn’t received the invitation email, have them check their spam or junk folder. Also, confirm that you’ve entered the correct email address, one that’s linked to their GoDaddy account.

Issue: Unable to Access Certain Features

Should a user report an inability to access certain features, re-examine the permissions you’ve assigned. They may require a higher level of access for specific tasks.

Issue: Revoking Access Problems

If you face difficulties revoking access, make sure you’re following the correct steps in the Delegate Access section. Persistent issues can be quickly resolved by contacting GoDaddy’s customer support.

These troubleshooting tips should help you overcome the most common challenges while managing Delegate Access, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for you and your users.

As demonstrated, GoDaddy’s Delegate Access offers a secure method to share account access with other users or companies. It’s a practical solution for when a company or contracted individual needs to access your account to perform specific services. This feature reflects GoDaddy’s commitment to providing enhanced security and convenience for its users. It’s a thoughtful addition that greatly benefits anyone managing their online presence through GoDaddy, ensuring tasks are handled efficiently without compromising account safety.

Ready to enhance your website management with GoDaddy’s Delegate Access? Start applying these steps today for a more secure and collaborative experience. If you need any assistance or have questions, feel free to reach out to us at Excel on the Web. We’re here to help you optimize your online presence.


Christopher Smashe

Chris Smashe founded Excel On the Web in 2004 after an enlistment in the Marine Corps. Chris has a knack for breaking down problems into manageable pieces and putting them back together, a skill he honed during his time in the military. In his spare time, you can find him with his grand-kids or on the water kite-boarding with friends.